Saturday, September 27, 2014

DIY Hair Mask for Damaged Hair...

Good morning all of you beautiful people :) If your hair is anything like mine, its dry and damaged. Not only do I use hot tools on my hair, but I also get it highlighted whenever I go to the salon. Because of this, I like to treat it with a little TLC whenever I can! There are many great products you can purchase to help your hair re-gain its' life back, but here is a quick DIY you can try at home:

  • 1 tbsp. Organic Coconut Oil
  • 1 tbsp. Organic Raw Honey
  • Sauce Pan
  • Mixing Bowl
  • Spoon
  • Towel
  • Shower Cap (optional)
Section your hair off and apply generously from top to bottom, focusing on my ends where most damage occurs. You can do this when your hair is wet or dry, but it is a bit easier when it's wet. Wrap your hair in a bun and let the mask soak in for 30-40 minutes. Wash the mask out in the shower using your regular shampoo and conditioner routine and voila! Soft, smooth, healthy hair :)

Saturday, September 20, 2014

Expiring Makeup...

Good morning my beautiful friends! Today's blog post is not going to be news to most people...your makeup expires! As much money as we spend on our beauty products, it’s hard to let it go, but at some point your makeup becomes unhealthy for your skin and eyes. This is especially true for anything that gets applied around your eyes, so it’s important to give your makeup drawer a good clean out every once in a while.

The problem is, most of us don't know WHEN our makeup expires. It's not like a grocery items that has a "good until' date on it, so how are we suppose to know when to throw it out?  Here is a quick guide on when to throw it out:

MASCARA: 3-4 months
LIPSTICK/GLOSS: 12-18 months
FOUNDATION: 6-12 months
BRONZERS/BLUSHES: 12-18 months
EYE/LIP PENCILS: 18-24 months

Saturday, September 13, 2014

Getting Rid of Split Ends...

Happy Saturday my friends! I hope your day is going well today! I don't know about you, but I am in need of a serious hair cut. I just looked at the ends of my hair, and I have more split ends that I would like! If you are like me and you're in need of a serious trim, I wanted to share with you that there are certain things to do in the meantime to help get rid of those split ends:

Use Olive Oil!
Warm olive oil and just massage onto scalp and covering the ends. Leave it on for 30 minutes and wash out. You can wear a towel on your hair or saran wrap it and leave it on, overnight. It helps your hair like a deep conditioner would.

Try Papaya!
Papaya is rich in many nutrients and is a great conditioner for hair, even if you apply it as a mask or just eat it. To make a hair mask, de-seed and blend up some papaya in the blender and mix with half a cup of yogurt, which is also great for hair! Apply to hair like you would with any other mask. Leave it on for 20 minutes. Then wash your hair as usual.

Break open an Vitamin E capsule!
Vitamin E is an integral part of the hair’s chemical makeup. Using it can strengthen the hair. To apply the Vitamin E topically, first remove the oil from the capsules. Then mix it either with yogurt or warm water. Apply this on to your hair and leave it on for 30 minutes, then wash as usual.

Crack open an egg!
Egg contains copious amounts of protein which can smooth the hair shaft and strengthen it. Beaten eggs can be applied to the hair mixed with yogurt, water or any hair oil and the mask will give you amazing hair for sure! It will make the hair look shiny immediately. It can also strengthen the hair over a span of time.

Saturday, September 6, 2014

Homemade Deodorant...?

Hello my beauties! Today's post seems a bit odd: homemade deodorant! If you are one of those who has hopped onto the all natural deodorant trend, you will love this DIY.

Recently it has been said that store brand deodorants are bad for you. Store deodorant is loaded with chemicals and toxins that easily penetrate the skin, getting into the blood supply. Slathering on the chemicals and heavy metals contained in underarm products day in and day out is a dangerous practice and one that no doubt can contribute to a host of health woes in the long run.

For a great DIY deodorant, you will need:
  • 3 tbsp virgin coconut oil
  • 2 tbsp shea butter
  • 3 tbsp baking soda
  • 2 tbsp cornstarch
  • 5 drops essential oil (lavender, orange, etc.)
Place a half-pint glass jar in the middle of a small pot of water and bring the water to a small boil. Add coconut oil and shea butter to the jar and watch it slowly melt. Turn off the heat, add baking soda and cornstarch, and stir all the ingredients until completely smooth. Mix in the essential oil of your choice. Let cool.

Once the mixture is at room temperature, the deodorant will become hard. Simply take a small portion onto your fingers and apply it directly under your armpits. You can always transfer the deodorant to an old antiperspirant tube to make application easier.