Saturday, November 8, 2014

Get rid of stretch marks...

Hello everyone! For today's blog I am not just speaking to the woman, we ALL suffer from this....stretch marks! Yes, unfortunately many of us get stretch marks through no fault of our own. It's gravity's cruel way to remind us it's there. Luckily, there are many things on the market today that can help with stretch marks, including this DIY:

What You'll Need:
  • honey,
  • olive oil,
  • lavender oil and
  • cocoa butter

The honey has a number of properties that favorably affect the body. It is even suggested by surgeons to treat marks and scars. Lavender helps cell regeneration and nourishes the skin significantly. Olive oil also successfully flattens unpleasant acne scars as well as stretch marks. Coconut oil makes the skin shiny, smooths wrinkles and prevents new stretch marks to appear on the skin.

How to use:

Melt the cocoa butter over a hot water bath. Add the same amount of olive oil. Add 1 teaspoon of honey and 3-4 drops of lavender oil. Then leave the mixture to cool down. You can keep it in a jar afterwards. Use it every morning and night!

Saturday, November 1, 2014

Smooth Silky Legs...

Good morning my beautiful friends! Today's blog is one of my favorite topics, how to get smooth, silky legs! There is nothing better than running your hands down your legs and feeling like it is super smooth and silky. Here is a quick DIY to help you get those smooth sexy legs you want:

What You'll Need:
  • 1 1/4 cup sugar
  • 1/2 cup oil (I used olive oil, but you can use any oil, coconut oil, baby oil, canola oil, etc.)
  • 3 tablespoons citrus juice (lemon or lime) OR 20 drops Lemon Essential Oil
  • Razor
Mix everything together. I put mine in a mason jar and just shook it all up. (If you take the glass jar into the bath or shower with you, please be extra careful.) Soak your legs in the tub for 5 minutes and apply the mixture to your legs and rub it in.

The abrasiveness of the sugar rubs off all the dirt and dead skin, the lemon juice works as a mild skin peel revealing brighter, smoother skin, and, of course, the olive oil penetrates deep into the skin and provides long-lasting moisture. Shave your legs, and rinse off.

Saturday, October 25, 2014

More tricks and tips with Vaseline...

Good morning beauties! Recently my lips have been super chapped, to the point where it hurts! When cold weather comes in, the chapped lips come in too :* I have really become a big fan of Vaseline, it leaves my lips feeling so incredibly smooth. I have shared with you before some great tricks for Vaseline, but I wanted to share a little more with you today:

  1. Prep Your Skin for Perfume: Moisturized skin holds scent better, so rub some Vaseline on your pulse points before you spritz to make your fragrance last longer.
  2. Smooth your hair down: Use Vaseline to tame frizz and seal dry split ends, and even to keep unruly eyebrows in place.
  3. Use as a face highlighter: Swap your highlighter for Vaseline. Just dab a small amount on the high points of your face for a dewy, naturally luminous glow. Slide a bit down your shins to make your legs glow too.
  4. Remove your makeup stains from clothing: With a damp washcloth, Vaseline can be used to lift makeup stains from your clothes as well as pillows, blankets, and sheets.
  5. Sooth dry heels: Smooth Vaseline over cracked heels or dry elbows, slip on a pair of socks, go to sleep, and wake up to healthy, hydrated skin.
  6. Use as a clear mascara: If you’re embracing the no-makeup look, trade in your mascara for Vaseline. Smooth it over your lashes for a fuller set of dark, glossy eyelashes. Bonus tip: Vaseline also makes a great lash conditioner.
  7. Achieve the perfect sunless tan: Use a small amount of Vaseline on dry spots before applying self-tanner. It will act as a barrier, preventing streaks and stains in areas it would otherwise cling to. Apply it around the hairline before applying at-home color to prevent hair dye stains too.
If you have anymore, please share them in the comments!

Saturday, October 18, 2014

Fall Inspired Face Mask...

Good morning beautiful friends! I missed a post last week, my husband and I went on a small honeymoon that we never got to go on after our wedding. It was so wonderful! Now I am back and ready to blog :)

Today I wanted to share with you a Fall Inspired Face Mask. There is nothing like the aroma of fall scents like cinnamon and nutmeg to get you feeling all warm and cozy. Especially when you live in a hotter climate like I do, anything that helps put you in the 'Fall Spirit' is appreciated! This face mask is simple and easy to do, and has many great benefits as well.

What you'll need:

1 tablespoon of honey
1/4 teaspoon of cinnamon
1/4 teaspoon of nutmeg

Directions: Combine all of the ingredients. Apply to a clean face very gently in circular motions and be careful to avoid the eye area. Do not rub or scrub it in as it can easily cause irritation, especially if you have sensitive skin. Leave the mask on for up to 20 minutes, then rinse it off with warm water

Saturday, October 4, 2014

Grow Hair Super Fast...

Good day to everyone :) I hope your day is going very well so far! I've been noticing lately that my hair is not as long as I would like it to be. I think for those who want long hair, it's never long enough! If you didn't already know, there are specific things you can do at home to help your hair grow even faster! Here are some tips and tricks for fabulous, long hair:

  1. Drink 6-8 glasses of water a day. Water keeps skin and hair hydrated, and bodies healthy!
  2. Use a good conditioner: Conditioner helps coat the cuticles and maintain moisture!
  3. Wash your hair regularly: Wash your hair every 3rd day, and, also, when you do some unusually dirty/dusty activity. 
  4. Always rinse hair products out of your hair with very cool water. It seals the cuticle and locks in moisture/oils, leaving your hair silky and smooth.
  5. Remember to use a heat protectant spray or lotion when using hot tools on your hair (curling irons, straighteners, dryers, etc). It protects your hair from drying out, adds moisture, and helps prevent split ends.
  6. Don't brush your hair when it's wet! Your hair isn't as strong when it's wet as it is when it's dry. 
  7. Take a daily multivitamin! Vitamins keep our skin, hair, and nails healthy. 
  8. Eat a lot of protein. It makes hair strong and healthy!
  9. Only get split ends trimmed off when you need to. Remember that hair grows from the top of your head, not the ends. So if you want your hair to be healthy only cut split ends when you have to.

Saturday, September 27, 2014

DIY Hair Mask for Damaged Hair...

Good morning all of you beautiful people :) If your hair is anything like mine, its dry and damaged. Not only do I use hot tools on my hair, but I also get it highlighted whenever I go to the salon. Because of this, I like to treat it with a little TLC whenever I can! There are many great products you can purchase to help your hair re-gain its' life back, but here is a quick DIY you can try at home:

  • 1 tbsp. Organic Coconut Oil
  • 1 tbsp. Organic Raw Honey
  • Sauce Pan
  • Mixing Bowl
  • Spoon
  • Towel
  • Shower Cap (optional)
Section your hair off and apply generously from top to bottom, focusing on my ends where most damage occurs. You can do this when your hair is wet or dry, but it is a bit easier when it's wet. Wrap your hair in a bun and let the mask soak in for 30-40 minutes. Wash the mask out in the shower using your regular shampoo and conditioner routine and voila! Soft, smooth, healthy hair :)

Saturday, September 20, 2014

Expiring Makeup...

Good morning my beautiful friends! Today's blog post is not going to be news to most people...your makeup expires! As much money as we spend on our beauty products, it’s hard to let it go, but at some point your makeup becomes unhealthy for your skin and eyes. This is especially true for anything that gets applied around your eyes, so it’s important to give your makeup drawer a good clean out every once in a while.

The problem is, most of us don't know WHEN our makeup expires. It's not like a grocery items that has a "good until' date on it, so how are we suppose to know when to throw it out?  Here is a quick guide on when to throw it out:

MASCARA: 3-4 months
LIPSTICK/GLOSS: 12-18 months
FOUNDATION: 6-12 months
BRONZERS/BLUSHES: 12-18 months
EYE/LIP PENCILS: 18-24 months

Saturday, September 13, 2014

Getting Rid of Split Ends...

Happy Saturday my friends! I hope your day is going well today! I don't know about you, but I am in need of a serious hair cut. I just looked at the ends of my hair, and I have more split ends that I would like! If you are like me and you're in need of a serious trim, I wanted to share with you that there are certain things to do in the meantime to help get rid of those split ends:

Use Olive Oil!
Warm olive oil and just massage onto scalp and covering the ends. Leave it on for 30 minutes and wash out. You can wear a towel on your hair or saran wrap it and leave it on, overnight. It helps your hair like a deep conditioner would.

Try Papaya!
Papaya is rich in many nutrients and is a great conditioner for hair, even if you apply it as a mask or just eat it. To make a hair mask, de-seed and blend up some papaya in the blender and mix with half a cup of yogurt, which is also great for hair! Apply to hair like you would with any other mask. Leave it on for 20 minutes. Then wash your hair as usual.

Break open an Vitamin E capsule!
Vitamin E is an integral part of the hair’s chemical makeup. Using it can strengthen the hair. To apply the Vitamin E topically, first remove the oil from the capsules. Then mix it either with yogurt or warm water. Apply this on to your hair and leave it on for 30 minutes, then wash as usual.

Crack open an egg!
Egg contains copious amounts of protein which can smooth the hair shaft and strengthen it. Beaten eggs can be applied to the hair mixed with yogurt, water or any hair oil and the mask will give you amazing hair for sure! It will make the hair look shiny immediately. It can also strengthen the hair over a span of time.

Saturday, September 6, 2014

Homemade Deodorant...?

Hello my beauties! Today's post seems a bit odd: homemade deodorant! If you are one of those who has hopped onto the all natural deodorant trend, you will love this DIY.

Recently it has been said that store brand deodorants are bad for you. Store deodorant is loaded with chemicals and toxins that easily penetrate the skin, getting into the blood supply. Slathering on the chemicals and heavy metals contained in underarm products day in and day out is a dangerous practice and one that no doubt can contribute to a host of health woes in the long run.

For a great DIY deodorant, you will need:
  • 3 tbsp virgin coconut oil
  • 2 tbsp shea butter
  • 3 tbsp baking soda
  • 2 tbsp cornstarch
  • 5 drops essential oil (lavender, orange, etc.)
Place a half-pint glass jar in the middle of a small pot of water and bring the water to a small boil. Add coconut oil and shea butter to the jar and watch it slowly melt. Turn off the heat, add baking soda and cornstarch, and stir all the ingredients until completely smooth. Mix in the essential oil of your choice. Let cool.

Once the mixture is at room temperature, the deodorant will become hard. Simply take a small portion onto your fingers and apply it directly under your armpits. You can always transfer the deodorant to an old antiperspirant tube to make application easier.

Saturday, August 30, 2014

DIY Face Mask for Beautiful Skin...

Ello all! Happy day to you, I hope it's going well xx

Lately my skin has been looking a bit drab and dreary. I'm not sure if it's because the weather is changing a bit or what, but if your skin is similar to mine, it needs a bit of a pick me up! Here is a great and easy DIY face mask to brighten your look:

  • 2-3 tablets of uncoated aspirin tablets
  • Water

Take the tablets in the palm of your hand and slowly add a couple drops of water. Massage the tablets with your fingers until you form a bit of a paste. There really isn't anything binding the aspirin, so the paste will be a bit loose and flaky. Then apply to your skin and leave on for 5-10 minutes.

For something extra, you can always add a bit of honey or aloe vera gel to the paste to make it a bit easier to put on. You can do the mask as often as you’d like, as long as it doesn’t overly irritate your skin. Of course, if you've never done the mask before it’s best to do a patch test for allergies first on your neck. 

Remember! Although the rate of absorption is slower through the skin, aspirin WILL absorp into your so keep advised dosage amounts in mind. if you are interested, check with your doctor first!

Saturday, August 23, 2014

Tips for Long & Thick Hair...

Good morning everyone :) For those of you who have long and thick hair, I am very jealous of you! Yes it can be a burden, but when it is properly managed, long and thick hair can look so gorgeous it's unreal. Here are some easy tips and tricks to properly manage long and thick hair:

1. Splurge on a great shampoo and conditioner! We all have different budgets to work with, but try to buy the best shampoo/conditioner you can. Some of my favorite brands are: Aveda, John Frieda, Biolage, and Paul Mitchell.

2. Try and switch up your shampoo and conditioner! Your hair will tend to get used to whatever shampoo and conditioner you are using constantly, and the effects will be less and less great. I try to have 2-3 different combos so that whenever my first combo runs out, I can try a different pair to see if that revives my locks!

3. Comb your hair while conditioner is still in it! Use a wide tooth comb in the shower and comb through, starting with your ends. This helps coat all the strands and detangles your hair.

4. Try to avoid heat styling! We all know heat styling damages your hair, so try to air dry whenever you can.

5. Most importantly is to deep condition at least once a week! Thick and long hair needs deep conditioner! By doing this you are strengthening, protecting, and revitalizing your hair. Find a good one (or use coconut oil), saturate your dry hair, throw a shower cap on, and relax. The longer you can leave it in the better!

Saturday, August 16, 2014

An Influential Woman...

Happy Saturday my beautifuls xx I hope everyone's day had started out great or is ending fantastic :)

Are you scared of aging? We all are at least a little bit, mass media raised us to think that the older you get, the more unattractive you are. But have you ever seen someone, much older than you, who made you think… this person is soooo stunning? Not because they dress well or their makeup hides their wrinkles effectively… but because their passion, intelligence and charisma shines through. Well I wanted to shine a spotlight on an influential woman who has done just that; Gun-Britt HÃ¥kansson Zeller. If you aren't familiar with who she is, Gun-Britt is an internationally known hairdresser who just looks better with age. She is 63 years young, and more gorgeous than ever. She is a great influence to women to help us realize you can age beautifully and all of us can achieve it!

I encourage you to flip your aging notion around and change your beliefs about getting old! Gun-Britt has inspired me, for getting older can be (and should be) a beautiful journey.

Saturday, August 9, 2014

I Got Sunburned...

Hello all of my happy bloggers!

Have you recently gotten some sun? Most of the time when I am out in the sun, I am having too much fun to be thinking about a sunburn. It's once I get home...look in the mirror....and YIKES!!! I know I am going to hurt for a minute!

If this has happened to you, there are certain steps you can take immediately after a sunburn:
  • Cool the skin with cold compresses. This will help any pain and stinging.
  • Take a cool shower. If you like bathes, take a cool bath sprinkling baking soda, oatmeal, or cornstarch into the tub. These three ingredients will help soothe the burnt skin.
  • After you dry off, apply a topical anti-inflammatory solution (calamine lotion, Aloe Vera - my favorite, or hydrocortisone cream, as they're help heal the sunburn quicker).
  • Take an over-the-counter pain reliever such as ibuprofen or aspirin. These stop "prostaglandins" which is the mediators of sunburn so they help calm any redness or pain associated with the burn.
  • Definitely re-hydrate the skin! Sunburns draw moisture to the skin's surface away from the rest of the body. I am currently LOVING Silk Hydration After Sun Lotion by Hawaiian Tropic. It smells toooo amazing.
  • The most important step is to AVOID THE SUN. However sometimes it's unavoidable, so if you have to be in it, apply a sunscreen that contains both a UVB and UVA filter (and remember to reapply!).

Saturday, August 2, 2014

Makeup for Glasses...

Good morning everyone! I hope your day is going well so far :)

Today's blog post is a common question that many women should I wear my makeup with my glasses??? A lot of people wear be exact... about 6/10 people today wear glasses. Wow! Glasses can really hide your eyes and the makeup you have worked so hard to put on. Here are some tips and tricks to try out next time you are rocking that cute pair of bifocals:

  1. When it comes to shadow, the lighter and more neutral the color on the lid, the better. Save the bright and cool colors for the lips or days when you can brave contact lenses. Wearing darker more vibrant shades will magnify dark undertones around the eyes which will cause you to look tired.
  2. Line your upper lash line and make sure to fill in those tiny spaces in between lashes. If you can try using a color that is at least a shade or two lighter than dark frames so that the liner doesn't get lost in their shape. The TRICK here is to adjust the liner depending on your style of glasses: the thicker your frames, the thicker your liner should be. 
  3. Precision is key for mascara so before you apply any, curl and comb lashes for optimal definition to the top lashes. If you can’t resist lower lash mascara like myself, apply a very light layer to only the root. If you apply mascara to the bottom tips it will give them a spidery look.
  4. Fill in your brows as you normally would but REMEMBER: glasses emphasize everything on your face including your PLUCK THOSE STRAYS
  5. Since all eyes will be on your eyes, keep the rest of the face simple. A good tip to remember is frames can sometimes create shadows underneath the eyes, so you might want to try a yellow-based concealer.

Saturday, July 26, 2014

Get rid of dark underarms...

Hey there my beauties! Today's blog is going to be helpful for many people who suffer from dark underarms or darker knees. Dry skin patches in the areas of the underarms and knees can make them appear darker than the rest of your skin. These dry patches are often layers upon layers of dead skin cells. Especially now that the weather is sunny and warmer than usual, you want to wear tank tops, swimsuits, and shorts without feeling embarrassed, right? Here is a quick DIY remedy for this issue:
  • While you are in the shower, wet a pumice stone or loofah with warm water and rub it back and forth over the dry skin (this will help remove the dry skin patches under your arms and on your knees).
  • After your shower, dry off thoroughly. Take a lemon slice and rub it over the skin of your underarms, allowing the juice to ooze onto your skin (make sure you didn't just shave in case of any knicks!). Discard the lemon slice after releasing its juice and pick up another. Repeat the process under your other arm and on each knee.
  • Do not rinse any of the juice off for approximately 30 minutes. Afterwards, rinse away the lemon juice with a warm water.
  • Repeat the lightening process after each daily shower until you get the desired result. MAKE SURE to apply a skin moisturizer after rinsing away the lemon juice to prevent dryness.

Saturday, July 19, 2014

Summertime makeup...

Hello my beautiful friends :) Summertime is here and it is HOT. Usually when it is this hot, I don't like to wear very much makeup. The more makeup I have on, the more it melts off!

I recently did a makeup tutorial on my YouTube channel specifically for summertime makeup. Here is a list of the products that were used:

  • Benefit's That Gal Primer: This highlighting primer gives a luminescence to the skin and shines through your foundation to give you that glowy, summer look.
  • Garnier BB Cream: I always like to use a BB Cream in hot weather! It is packed full of SPF protection, and it's lightweight.
  • Maybelline FITme Concealer: Not too heavy, this concealer gives great coverage without having that cakey look to it.
  • It Cosmetics Brow Pencil: You always gotta have brows.
  • Revlon Bronzer: This bronzer gets passed up by many, but it is one of the best drugstore bronzers out there. It has 4 shades and a matte finish. I used it on my contour areas as well as the crease of my eyes. I really want to give my skin a bronzed look since it is summer.
  • Tarte Amazonian Clay Blush in Dollhouse: Tarte's blushes last almost all day and they are low maintenance.
  • Maybelline Color Tattoo Pigment in Barely Brazen: By adding this bright pigment to the inner corners of my eyes, it opens them up a little more and brings more attention to that area.
  • Maybelline Miss Manga mascara: This mascara is a must in your collection, it separates your lashes soooooo well and gives great volume.
  • Maybelline Color Whisper in Pink Possibilities: Using a light weight lipstick like this one gives a sheer tint to your lips while keeping them moisturized. Love it!

Saturday, July 12, 2014

Tone Up with Pool Exercises...

Happy Saturday everyone! ☻☻☻ If you live anywhere similar to Florida, you know it is hot hot hot! This type of weather just makes me want to jump in the nearest pool I see! Instead of just going to the pool to tan, how about toning up a bit too?

Here are some simple, easy ways to tone up while enjoying your splash time:
  • Instead of catching up with your friend on a lounge chair, talk while treading water. Just 10 minutes will burn around 45 calories.
  • Take a walk or jog around the pool in waist deep water. It offers incredible resistance so although you may not move very fast, you'll feel your legs and booty burning.
  • Do to the edge of the pool and do two sets of 15 to 20 pool push-ups. This exercise will tone your arms and even your upper back.
  • If these seem too structured, play a game of water volleyball. Doing all the jumping, diving, swimming, and spiking will get your heart pumping!

Saturday, July 5, 2014

Summer nails...

Ello everyone! I have recently been browsing through Pinterest (if you are not familiar with it, it's a website that allows you to collect and save different pictures, links, recipes, etc) and I stumbled upon the nail art page. I can scroll through these all day! Being that it is summer and warmer weather outside, I love having my nails match how I'm feeling.

Here are a couple of my "Nail-spirations" for summertime:

1. Starfish: This classic combination of blue and coral just scream ocean!
2. Daisies: This was so innovative as they used daisies in the tips of the nail to mimic a french tip...genius!
3. One Love: PERFECT beach nails, this just screams summertime to me :)
4. Fishies: One fish, two fish, red fish, blue fish?
5. Clams & Oysters: This style is very girly but I love it. Using gold glitter as well as clam nail art is so fab.
6. Palm trees: A typical beachy scene with palm trees you can never go wrong with :)

Saturday, June 28, 2014

DIY Beachy Hair Spray...

Hello friends! ☼☼☼ Since summer is in full affect, I try not to use hot styling tools on my hair if I don't have to. Summer time is a great time to break out the salt water sprays and rock beachy waves and curls :D

There are many brands that have these sprays, but wouldn't be even better to create one yourself? Here is a quick DIY:

What You'll Need:
  • 1 Spray bottle
  • 2 cups of warm water
  • Tablespoon of sea salt
  • Tablespoon of coconut oil 
Mix the ingredients all together and pour them in the spray bottle. Spray this on wet hair.

☼☼☼ For even more beachy waves, section off hair in as many pieces as you have patience for, then twist each section. Then let it dry and shake it out.

Hint: The less you heat style your hair, the healthier it will be, and the better this will start looking!

Saturday, June 21, 2014

GRWM Meetup...!

So I got the amazing opportunity to meet a woman who I have been watching for a while now, Nicole Guerriero (Nicole's YouTube Channel). She is such a sweet, down-to-earth girl who loves makeup and always gives me that boost of confidence when I need it. She also doesn't take anyone's s*** and can always make you laugh.

I recorded a GRWM before my meetup with this fabulous woman. I kept the makeup simple and not overdone:

  • Garnier BB Cream
  • Benefit's Erase Paste
  • NYC Bronzer
  • It Cosmetics Brow Pencil
  • Maybelline Plumped up Mascara
  • Milani Corallina Blush
  • Maybelline Baby Lips

Saturday, June 14, 2014

Make Your Hair Grow Faster...

Good morning all of my friends! I hope your day is going well so far. Has anything great happened today? :)

I have been looking at my hair recently and notice that it is getting longer by the day! It makes me very excited because normally my hair doesn't grow very fast. It seems like some people's hair grows as slow as molasses moves, but others grow their hair inches overnight...what's the deal!!???

For those of who you are like me, and have a hard time growing long hair, there are some tips and tricks you can do to speed up the process.
  • Trim your hair!
It may seem odd to trim hair when you are trying to grow it out. However it has been shown that if you trim your ends every 6 weeks or so it will encourage your hair to grow longer. It will also keep your hair looking healthy by getting rid of dead ends :)
  • Drink Lots and Lots of Water!
Drinking at least 6-8 cups a day will increase the strength of your hair and keep it looking shiny and healthy.
  • Brush Lightly!
Brushing too hard can not only damage hair, it can prevent hair from growing all together; ESPECIALLY if it is wet! If you must brush hair while wet, use a wide tooth comb to avoid breakage and damage.
  • Don't Over-wash Your Hair!
Try to only wash hair every second or third day. This will help your hair keep its protective layer of oils and helps it grow longer. Use a dry shampoo for the days when your hair is looking a little oily!
  • Let It Be!
This step is the hardest, but style your hair as less as possible. Avoid tight up do’s that might bring on breakage and try to avoid styling products while growing out hair. This will prevent the hair strands from weakening and will help you grow out hair at a faster rate.

Saturday, June 7, 2014

DIY Strawberries n' Creme Smoothie...

Hi there my beauties! Today I was feeling the urge to race over to my local Starbucks for one of my favorite drinks...the Strawberries N' Creme' Frappaccino. This drink is a great alternative for those who don't like coffee....because there is none! :)

However, my taste buds seem to crave this bad boy a little too often, more than my wallet can afford. Here is a great, quick at home recipe to make this drink yourself:

1/2 cup Milk
♥ 1/4 cup Vanilla Ice Cream
♥ 1 cup Ice
♥ 2 Strawberries
♥ 2 tbsp Strawberry Syrup
♥ Whipped Cream

Combine all the ingredients in a blender until smooth. Pour into a glass and top with whipped cream. Yum!!!!

Saturday, May 31, 2014

Removing Product Buildup...

Ello everyone! I hope everyone's day is going great. If not, I wish I could personally hug you myself!

Lately I have been feeling like my hair is limp and lifeless. I didn't understand it at first because I am using all great products. Come to find out that it is the product buildup in my hair that is leaving it distressed!

The products we use and even the water we use can cause your hair to have a less-than-healthy sheen. Build up is a serious issue with hair and can cause it to be limp, lifeless, and even cause your ends to be split and feel brittle. Getting this built up gunk off your hair is the first step in repairing damage and having healthier hair. You can always buy a clarifying shampoo, but if you are looking for a great DIY, look no further:

Sprinkle a quarter-size of baking soda into your palm along with your favorite shampoo. Shampoo as usual and rinse thoroughly. The baking soda helps remove the residue that styling products leave behind so your hair is cleaner and more manageable!

Saturday, May 24, 2014

Luxurious Bath...

Hello my beautiful friends! Today's post is going to be all about relaxing. We all need it some times, why not try to relax this weekend? There are many things you can do to relax....breathing exercises, meditation, physical exercise, massage, whatever you prefer! Something that many of us overlook is the satisfaction of a nice relaxing hot bath. Here is a great technique to try:

Heat a cup of coconut oil in the microwave for about 30 seconds or until it turns completely liquid. Slowly stir in rose water (available at most health food stores) until the blend is softly scented. Add fresh rose petals for an extra boost. Using this mixture in your next bath can really help the body relax.

Why are baths good for you?

Soaking in warm water with essential oils can do wonders for your body and your mind. Using an essential oil can sharpen your memory, calm your mind and act as a natural mood-booster.

Relaxing in a warm tub slowly increases your body's temperature. When you hop out and it returns to a cooler state, your brain releases melatonin, triggering bedtime.

If you're feeling sick, a warm bath may be a good tool to help relieve your symptoms. Steam from the water can help moisturize nasal passages, help with dizziness and relax achy muscles.

Saturday, May 17, 2014

Smooth Skin All Over...

Hi there everyone! Summer is know what this means.....BATHING SUIT SEASON! Is your body ready for this? I don't mean weight or tone, I mean your skin! The worst thing to do is show off your body in a bathing suit while having rough, dry, ashy skin. Who wants that?!

There are many DIY Body scrubs you can use to treat your skin well this summer; some brighten your complextion, some treat acne, some even help tone and tighten! Today's post I will share with you an at home scrub that gets rid of dead skin cells and smoothes rough areas such as knees and elbows:

What You'll Need:

  • Brown Sugar
  • Granulated Sugar
  • Almond or Coconut Oil
  • Your Favorite Essential Oil (Peppermint, Lavender, Vanilla, etc.)

Stir two cups of brown sugar and one cup of granulated sugar together until there are no clumps. Add about a cup of almond or coconut oil and one tablespoon of your essential oil. Mix until smooth and scrub that body away! Transfer to a sealable glass container when done and save it for a later use :)

Saturday, May 10, 2014

Nail Polish That Lasts...

Good Morning my beautiful friends. Something I have really been into lately is nail polish. It seems like every time I go to the drug store, I see a new color I need to try! The only downside (besides having no room for all these polishes), it most polishes chip either the day you apply or soon after. I don't know about you, but I get so frustrated when I took so much time on my nail application to have it chip an hour later! Argh!

For everyone who experiences my frustration, I have a quick at home solution that might help:

What You'll Need:

  • Cotton Balls
  • Vinegar

Take a cotton ball, dip it in vinegar, and swipe it over your un-polished nail. Once it has dried, you are safe to apply nail polish your nail.That’s it, your nail polish will last longer! The vinegar helps get rid of all the excess oils on your nail bed, which it turn helps the nail polish to stick better :)