Saturday, May 24, 2014

Luxurious Bath...

Hello my beautiful friends! Today's post is going to be all about relaxing. We all need it some times, why not try to relax this weekend? There are many things you can do to relax....breathing exercises, meditation, physical exercise, massage, whatever you prefer! Something that many of us overlook is the satisfaction of a nice relaxing hot bath. Here is a great technique to try:

Heat a cup of coconut oil in the microwave for about 30 seconds or until it turns completely liquid. Slowly stir in rose water (available at most health food stores) until the blend is softly scented. Add fresh rose petals for an extra boost. Using this mixture in your next bath can really help the body relax.

Why are baths good for you?

Soaking in warm water with essential oils can do wonders for your body and your mind. Using an essential oil can sharpen your memory, calm your mind and act as a natural mood-booster.

Relaxing in a warm tub slowly increases your body's temperature. When you hop out and it returns to a cooler state, your brain releases melatonin, triggering bedtime.

If you're feeling sick, a warm bath may be a good tool to help relieve your symptoms. Steam from the water can help moisturize nasal passages, help with dizziness and relax achy muscles.

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