Friday, January 4, 2013

A few beauty secrets...

TGIF <3 Thanks for stopping by :) Today I have decided to share a few beauty secrets! All of these secrets require common household products that you should already have lying around! If not, they are very inexpensive to purchase :) Let's get started!

Scrub your skin to baby softness 

2 1/2 cups of Sugar in the Raw
3/4 of a cup of white granulated sugar
4-5 tablespoons of vanilla extract (or coconut, orange, etc.)
1/4 cup of almond oil
Mix the sugars together. Then mix in the oil and vanilla extract with the sugar and combine until a scrub like consistency is achieved.  Now you have a delightful body scrub that smooths your skin and makes it baby soft :) Keep it in an air-tight container and enjoy all winter long!

Moisturize those cuticles
Most times during the dry seasons, my cuticles tend to dry up, causing them to peek, crack, and downright look like I need some pampering! A quick solution is to take a little bit of olive oil in a bowl (can be extra virgin or not), dip in one end of a Q-tip, and rub gently on each cuticle. Spend a minute or two massaging the oil onto the cuticle and afterwards wash it off. The oil helps give the cuticle moisture that it desperately craves and leaves your nail beds feeling soft and smooth :)

Waterproof Make-up Remover
I don't tend to wear waterproof make up too much; first because it is sometimes more expensive, and second because it is so hard to get off! However for those days you just have to wear it, Here is a quick and easy trick to remove it:

1 pkg. cotton pads (purchased at any local store)
1 bottle baby oil

Dip the cotton pad in the baby oil and make sure it is damp (you don't want to be over saturated because then it will just drip and run all down your face). Take the damp cotton pad and slowly begin to stroke your face. If it is eye makeup you want removed, close your eyes and stroke the cotton pad downwards from your eyebrow to the bottom of your nose. This will help prevent you from pulling out any eye lashes as well as getting it in your eyes. When you are done, wash your face how you would regularly do.

Pimple and Acne Treatment
For that pesky zit that keeps coming back month to month, zap it with a cream. What kind of cream you ask? Diaper Rash! Preferably a diaper rash cream with zinc oxide. Just dab a little bit of this cream on your zit before bed time (enough to cover the zit). Leave it on over night and wash off in the morning. The cream helps dry out the zit and get rid of it quick!

If you have any secrets you would like to share, put them in the comments below :) I hope everyone has a great weekend! <333


  1. Hi Shannon!

    I love using these beauty tips :) Great blog, keep up the good work!!
    Have an awesome weekend


    1. Thanks so much, it means so much to me :):) <3
