Tuesday, June 4, 2013

DIY Foot Scrub for Summer...

Hi to all my beautiful bloggers <3 Summer is almost here and I can already feel the warmth from the sunlight and smell the sunscreen coming from the beach! A big part of summer that I enjoy is getting to wear super cute sandals, ones that are both comfortable AND cute :) If you are like me and you enjoy wearing flip flops or cute-sy sandals, there is one thing you must remember: KEEP YOUR FEET LOOKING CUTE TOO! You shouldn't have your feet and toes showing if they don't look as cute as the sandals you are rockin'. How can we help achieve cute feet? Exfoliation :) Here is a great foot scrub you can try in the shower or during an at-home pedicure <3
  • 1/2 cup organic sugar
  • 3 tablespoons olive oil
  • 2 tablespoons honey 
  • Container with lid
  • Clean stirring utensil
1. Measure out olive oil and honey into clean container. (measure the olive oil first so the honey won't stick to the spoon). 2. Add sugar. 3. Stir.

How to enjoy:

Rub all over your feet, heals, and toes for about 30 seconds to 1 minute. Rinse with warm water. For extra moisturizing, rub your feet with lotion after the scrub and put some of your favorite comfy socks on. The socks will keep the lotion on longer, and your feet will be able to soak up the benefits :)

1 comment:

  1. It's a fantastic tip, I hope it can help me.
    In the summer my feet always get horrible , dry and hardened because I love been barefoot at home and all around the garden. =S
    Thanks Shannon I'm sure I'll try it. :)
