Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Make your own perfume...

Happy Humpday everyone :) Today before work this morning, I sprayed on one of my current favorite perfumes, Nicki Minaj Pink Friday. It smells to fruity and girly, and it always puts me in a good mood. One of the most important things to me is smelling good. If a person finds your scent pleasant to be around, and associates that scent with you, then you are helping to enhance your image in that person's mind. Most of these processes are subconscious, as well, due to the very nature of memory and smell. Also, people who wear proper perfume and cologne are typically seen as more confident or professional, depending on the setting.

So how can we smell good without having to spend a lot of money on perfumes? Easy, you make it yourself! Here is a quick and easy way to create your own custom perfume that will have everyone flocking to you:

  • Your favorite smelling extract (mine is organic Vanilla) 
  • Your favorite smelling essential oil (Vanilla again for me, but there are many like Lavender, Orange, Lemon, etc.)

Blend these two ingredients together (equal parts) and put in an atomizer. Make sure to use a dark bottle because it protects the liquid from the light.

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