Wednesday, February 13, 2013

DIY Valentine's Chocolate Covered Strawberries...

Happy hump-day everyone :) I am trying my hardest not to get the mid week blues. Especially today because it's gloomy outside, I'm still sleepy, and I still have to get a lot of work done at the new house. BUT! I wanted to continue to share some Valentine secrets with all of you because it is right around the corner....tomorrow! Ah! If you are looking for a simple and elegant, romantic treat, chocolate covered strawberries are the way to go. Most people enjoy them (the others are nuts!) Here is a quick and simple way to prepare these for your Valentine:
What you'll need:
Fresh strawberries (try to get ones with their stems on)
Chocolate chips in white, milk or dark (whichever your preference, or get all three!)
Optional garnishes like sprinkles, nuts, etc.
A Ziploc baggie, empty

What to do:
♥ First you want to wash and thoroughly dry the strawberries (melted chocolate won’t stick to wet strawberries).
♥ In a microwave safe bowl, melt the chocolate you want to dip the strawberries in. Stir the chocolate about every 30 seconds to keep it from burning.
♥ Now the fun part, take the strawberry and slowly dip it into the chocolate (only about half way).
♥ If you are using chopped nuts or sprinkles as a garnish, you can roll the dipped strawberry in a small bowl of them to cover the chocolate.
♥ Place the dipped strawberry onto a piece parchment paper on top of a tray (this way the tray will catch all of the chocolate that drips off, and it won't go all over your counter!)
♥ For a fun idea, you can melt some contrasting chocolate in another bowl (white chocolate lets say), and place the melted chocolate in an empty Ziploc baggie. Take scissors and cut a very tiny hole in the bottom of the bag on one of the sides, and gently squeeze the bag of chocolate to drizzle thin lines over the strawberries.
♥ Refrigerate the strawberries until you are ready to serve, at least 30 minutes <33 Enjoy!

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