Prime Skin
We spend loads of money of facial primers to put on before our foundation to help reduce pores. Once morning, try running an ice cube over your face, focusing on areas with enlarged pores. The ice will cause pores to reduce in size and minimize their appearance under makeup. Icing these areas before your application of a primer can yield extra-smooth results!
De-Puff Eyes
Do you wake up with puffy eyes? Take an ice cube and wrap it in a washcloth. Placing it on puffy eyes can reduce early morning puffiness, and make you look and feel more alert. If you want a stronger affect, freeze cubes of caffeinated black tea, or store sliced cucumbers on ice to keep you feeling fresh. Awesome trick!
Shrink A Zit
If you have a red pimple or zit, hold a piece of ice on it to get rid of the redness. Ice decreases inflammation, and can even relieve the pain associated with acne. Put the ice cube in a Ziploc bag and hold it against the zit for about 5-10 minutes.
Scrub Away
Try out a DIY icy scrub by blending fruits or veggies with water and freezing in ice cube trays. Once frozen, gently rub a fruity cube over your face as part of your weekly facial. The chunky texture will exfoliate as the ice melts into a juicy slush.
Try out a DIY icy scrub by blending fruits or veggies with water and freezing in ice cube trays. Once frozen, gently rub a fruity cube over your face as part of your weekly facial. The chunky texture will exfoliate as the ice melts into a juicy slush.
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